Friday, October 7, 2016

Salmon Stall

Rain rain DON'T go away come again any day!!  This past week was another warm and dry week with temperatures consistently in the 70's keeping the water too warm for any serious migration of salmon to take place.  The warm weather has been the status quo for this year; a serious lack of precipitation.  The supplemental overflow from the Erie Canal has subsided in the smaller area tributaries leaving them low and clear creating insufficient flow to encourage salmon to enter the creeks.  This is the second year in a row with these conditions and if last year is any indication of what the populations of salmon are, then we are in for another rough fall.  The exceptions to the rule are the Salmon River as well as large tributaries like the Oak.  There are decent numbers of fish already at the dam (at Oak Orchard) with some fish starting to drop back to the fast water spawning grounds.  Consistent activity on the piers has led to a fair amount of hook ups by spoon pitchers as well as fish crashing around the bridges area.  It's only going to take one good rain to convince the fish that are out there to charge up the stream.  This hold true for all the tribs and not just the Oak.  Sandy creek as you can imagine is low for this time of year however holds a few fish.  It takes persistence and a whole lot of walking but convincing a fish to go isn't out of the question.  If you're trying to decide where to fish this weekend and are in dire straights for salmon your only real choice for a shot at a salmon is at Oak Orchard.  Smaller area tribs will have fish trickling in on a nightly basis but once that sun is up they won't move nearly as much.  So all in all fish at sunrise and at sunset for your best chance at migrating salmon.  For low clear flows don't forget to downsize your tippet, lengthen your leader, and downsize your flies.  As always leave your comments below and post pictures of your fish!  Until next time tight lines!

Current Stream Information:  

18-Mile Creek (Burt):  October 7th, 2016
Med fishing pressure
Med flows
62 CFS

Cattaraugus Creek:     October 7th, 2016

Low Clear Flows
96 CFS
58.8 - 70.7

Oak Orchard Creek:   October 7th, 2016

Med-Heavy Fishing Pressure
Med/Clear Flows
0.61 CFS   

Salmon River:           October 7th, 2016

 248 CFS

YouTube Link:  New videos coming soon!!!

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