Saturday, October 22, 2016

Brown Water - Brown Fish

FINALLY we got the rain we have been looking for all year!  The rainfall Thursday and Friday really gave the fall run a boost.  The supplemental flow from the Erie Canal has been slow so the rain was the saving grace for the salmon.  The flows have already pushed a fair number of fresh fish into the streams including a mixed bag of browns, steelhead, and Atlantics.  Salmon spawning is really getting underway and expect to see a lot more eggs in the streams.  Most of the creeks are still high and fishable.  Big flies swung through ideal spots and seams has been productive.  Earth tone colors have been the biggest producers but since the water has gotten muddier purple has been the go-to.  Look to start switching over to egg patterns (orange, chartreuse, and pink) while the flows retreat and the browns start the feast.  Smaller tributary levels are already back to normal where the larger tribs could take a few days.  The dam on Oak Orchard has been packed but flows on the dam side have remained clear but med-high flows.  However once you get towards the archers club it starts to get a little dirty. 

The run still has a lot of life left in it so if you are interested in taking a trip to see the streams in their fall colors and have the chance to catch the fish of a lifetime feel free to email me at  I will have a new fly tying video going live tonight on my YouTube channel so take a look.  This week I tied a pattern I love to swing when the water is high.  Stay tuned there for fishing trips in the coming weeks.  As always thanks for reading/watching and tight lines!

Current Stream Information:  Look for streams to be retreating well within the next day or two.

18-Mile Creek (Burt):  October 22nd, 2016
Heavy fishing pressure
Med flows
79 CFS
Cattaraugus Creek:     October 22nd, 2016
High/Muddy Flows
1280 CFS
49.1- 69.3
Oak Orchard Creek:   October 22nd, 2016
Heavy Fishing Pressure
Med/Heavily Stained Flows
83 CFS   

Salmon River:           October 22nd, 2016
2300 CFS

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