Monday, September 19, 2016

September Salmon

The weather this past Saturday was the harbinger of Fall.  The cooler weather and spitting rain throughout the day is a classic fall salmon day.  It's too bad the salmon aren't quite in the streams yet.  But not to worry; there are reports of small pods of salmon making their way through the DSR on the Salmon River.  The Salmon River is about the only stream (excluding the Lower Niagara River and The Genny) that has any salmon pushing through to wadeable or fishable areas.  Despite there being fish the reports also stated that they are moving FAST.  Oak Orchard is on the cusp of having salmon well into the middle reaches and possibly the upper reaches of the stream this week.  Reports of salmon being caught off the piers as well as a couple porpoising fish in the bridges area have emerged.  With the rain on Saturday it made all the area streams high and muddy but small streams (which will likely have no salmon yet) will be down to clearer/ stained waters but with good flow still.  Rivers like the Oak will still be muddy for another day or two before retreating to normal flows.  I'm not expecting much of a migration this coming week with the weather predicting warm weather devoid of rain.  It's going to be another good week of fly tying and anticipation.  Please comment below if you have been out and having any success.  Pictures are always welcome of favorite patterns or especially fish you've caught.  Hopefully those fish make their way in soon!  Tight lines everyone!

Current Stream Information:  
Look for flows to start dropping from the rain this past weekend.  Your best chances at fish are going to be at first light if there are fish to be had.  

18-Mile Creek (Burt):  September 19th, 2016

Light/No fishing pressure.
Med/Stained flows.
70 CFS

Cattaraugus Creek:     September 19th, 2016

Med/Stained Flows
357 CFS
59.7 - 77.2

Oak Orchard Creek:   September 19th, 2016

Light Fishing Pressure
Med/Stained Flows
12 CFS   

Salmon River:           September 19th, 2016

425 CFS

YouTube Link:  New videos coming soon!!!

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